School Leadership Team (SLT)



The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a DOE-mandated committee composed of the principal, a PA president, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) chapter leader, and elected teacher and parent representatives.

The mission of the Shuang Wen SLT is to create a structure for school-based decision making in order to develop the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) and ensure that it is aligned with the school-based budget. The SLT will function in a collaborative manner and use a consensus-based decision making process.

The SLT is not part of the SWS Parent Association, although the SLT membership always includes the PA president.


The SLT at Shuang Wen School has 12 members. All SLTs have three core members: the principal, a PTA president, and the teacher’s union representative. Shuang Wen's SLT’s bylaws provide for six parent representatives, one of whom is the PTA president or co-president.

SLT Parent Representatives are elected for a two-year term. All parents are welcome to attend SLT meetings.

If you have questions or would like to submit a SLT nomination for the next school year, please contact


The SLT meets each month to discuss the academic direction of Shuang Wen School, including its selection of extra-curricular programs and social-emotional learning topics such as bullying and racism.

SLT members work together to develop the annual Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP), which sets annual goals for Shuang Wen School in all areas and focuses on developing educational strategies for improvement. 

The SLT will coordinate with other school committees such as the PA to ensure that all school-wide committees are working toward the same goals set forth in the CEP. Team members must work collaboratively by sharing their ideas and concerns and listening to the ideas and concerns of others; engaging in collaborative problem-solving and solution-seeking that will lead to consensus-based decisions. Team members must communicate effectively with their constituent groups and share the views of their constituencies with the team.

SLT Parent REpresentatives
